Social statistics
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Culture and sport
Health protection
Justice and crime
Labour force and earnings
Living standard of the population
Millennium Development Goals
Social protection
Pensioners and average size of the established monthly pension by category of beneficiaries and quarters, 2015-2024 (Updated: 10/21/2024, Size: 10 Kb)
Beneficiaries of state social allowances and average size of the allowance by type category of beneficiaries and quarters, 2015-2024 (Updated: 10/21/2024, Size: 7 Kb)
Pensioners by category of pension, 1st January, 2004-2024 (Updated: 8/6/2024, Size: 6 Kb)
Pensioners by category of pension and sex, 1st January, 2007-2024 (Updated: 8/6/2024, Size: 5 Kb)
Pensioners in territorial aspect, 1st January, 2009-2024 (Updated: 8/6/2024, Size: 8 Kb)
Pensioners by age group and sex, in territorial aspect, 1st January, 2013-2024 (Updated: 8/6/2024, Size: 30 Kb)
Pensioners by category of pension and sex, in territorial aspect, 1st January, 2017-2024 (Updated: 8/6/2024, Size: 17 Kb)
Employed pensioners, by sex, in territorial aspect, 1st January, 2013-2024 (Updated: 8/6/2024, Size: 12 Kb)
Old age pensioners, by sex and age groups, 1st January, 2007-2024 (Updated: 8/6/2024, Size: 5 Kb)
The main characteristics of old age pensioners, in territorial aspect, 1st January, 2009-2024 (Updated: 8/6/2024, Size: 15 Kb)
Old age pensioners and average size of old age pension by sex and economic sector, 1st January, 2007-2024 (Updated: 8/6/2024, Size: 5 Kb)
Olg age pensioners, in territorial aspect, 1st January, 2009-2024 (Updated: 8/6/2024, Size: 8 Kb)
Old age pensioners by economic sector, sex and territorial aspect, 1st January, 2013-2024 (Updated: 8/6/2024, Size: 19 Kb)
Disability pensioners, by sex and age groups, 1st January, 2007-2024 (Updated: 8/6/2024, Size: 4 Kb)
Disability pensioners by degree of disability and sex, 1st January, 2007-2024 (Updated: 8/6/2024, Size: 5 Kb)
Disability pensioners by cause of disability and sex, 1st January, 2007-2024 (Updated: 8/6/2024, Size: 4 Kb)
Disability pensioners because of a general disease, by age groups and sex, 1st January, 2007-2024 (Updated: 8/6/2024, Size: 4 Kb)
Persons insured in the public social security system by age groups and sex, 2006-2023 (Updated: 8/6/2024, Size: 4 Kb)
The average size of old age pension by sex, in territorial aspect, 1st January, 2013-2024 (Updated: 8/6/2024, Size: 15 Kb)
The average size of old age pension by economic sector, in territorial aspect, 1st January, 2009-2024 (Updated: 8/6/2024, Size: 18 Kb)
The average size of old age pension by economic sector, sex and in territorial profile, 1st January, 2013-2024 (Updated: 8/6/2024, Size: 37 Kb)
Average size of children indemnities by type of indemnity and status of the person, 1st January, 2002-2024 (Updated: 8/6/2024, Size: 4 Kb)
Ratio between children indemnitites and the subsistence level for children by type of indemnity and status of the person, 1st January 2002-2024 (Updated: 8/6/2024, Size: 5 Kb)
Beneficiaries of state social allowances and the average size of the allowance by category of beneficiaries, 1st January, 2009-2024 (Updated: 8/6/2024, Size: 7 Kb)